
Suds and Smiles March 1st – April 30th @ Erotic Heritage Museum

Suds and Smiles March 1st – April 30th @ Erotic Heritage Museum

From Cosmopolitan Magazine:

Photographer Samantha Fortenberry wanted to show more than just physical beauty in her latest series, she wanted to show the beauty of each subject’s vibrant personality. She asked each person to bring a variety of objects they love and photographed them in the bath with their prized possessions.

She also wanted to show their bodies in their most natural, unaffected shapes: floating in water. “I want to collect a wide variety of people in all shapes and sizes to display the various form of beauty each person has,” she says.

“My name is Samantha Fortenberry and I am a photographer from a small town in Northern Alabama. I currently study at the Savannah College of Art and Design in Georgia. Ever since high school I’ve taken a passion to photography and photograph various subjects from surreal landscapes to fine art nudes and everything in between.”

Suds and Smiles Runs through April 30th at the EHM in our Main Gallery.



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