ALIENUM EXTASIS – The Art of Christian Bernal
Artist Statement:
Art, or the creative flow, for me, has always been a place I have been able to visit. A kind of river I have access to flow down, always running, and while I may choose the tools I wish to take on each trip, and often have a particular aim for each excursion, at journeys end, it is rarely what I envisioned at the onset. Attempts to wrestle this flow into submission, to make it it work for me, rather than through me, have proven frustrating at best, and futile at their worst. So I choose to work as a conduit, a spillway of that flow, distilling those waters of that stream through the various outlets that draw me, and offering up the spirits for timid tasting or blatant binging.
Recent Showings:
“A Mystery and a Dream”, Juried group show, Photosynthesis, Manchester, CT-10/15
“Dangerous Lullabies”, Juried group show, Lakeside Legacy Arts Park, Crystal Lake, IL- 10/15
“A Show of Heads”, Juried group show, Limner Gallery, Hudson, NY- 11/15
“12th Annual Juried Exhibition”, Freeport Art Museum, Freeport, IL- 11/15 – 1/16
This exhibit opens first week of September and runs through the end of November. For more information please call 702 794 4000.