
The Modern Day Sexual Predator…and the simplest way to avoid them

The Modern Day Sexual Predator…and the simplest way to avoid them

Unfortunately, one can’t ignore the sad truth of Chaya Kurtz’s “How To Spot A Spiritual Sexual Predator” essay, appearing at Hevria.com currently (see here); sexual predators are everywhere, as much working in the spiritual arts, as anywhere else. Kurtz bounced her piece off a recent New York Times profile of an accused abuser ex rabbi who had fashioned himself as a “new age guru” after getting booted from the “Jewish world.” She also makes a good point of how people prone to these heinous actions seemingly slither all too easily from one place to the next (one only has to recall too many instances of priest ‘kid touchers’ being moved from parish to parish). Kurtz also lays out solid ground rules for how to avoid these sick individuals; “How To Spot A Spiritual Sexual Predator” is solid fascinating reporting.

But what really can worry any reader of these all-to-real statistics, is that these particular predators come in all shapes, sizes…and genders. Surely, there have been fewer reported cases of female sexual abusers then men (history also reveals fewer female serial killers then male serial killers) and in fairness to Kurtz, her article took off from that recent case of a man turned from rabbi to guru. But we need be careful, instill good sense in our children of all ages, to as much be cautioned against The Man Who Wants To Spiritually Connect With You — Through Your Body, The Humble Man Who Talks About Himself — A Lot or the The Very, Very Sensitive New Age Guy (just some of the titles of Kurtz’s ‘types’) as we need to be with women who exhibit this, or any other, icky behavior that sends us up our red flags.

Indeed the very best advice against recognizing the sickest of our society comes at the end of Kurtz’s piece, summed up in two simple sentences. Addressing every human’s ability to recognize those ubiquitous red flags in someone’s nature, regardless of the offender’s gender, age, ethnicity or religious affiliation, Kurtz ends her article with:

“Trust your gut. If you feel uncomfortable, get out.”

A better caution against a sexual predictor has never been written.


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