
Property Sex-the New Niche Porn Phenomenon

Property Sex-the New Niche Porn Phenomenon

No, you haven’t heard/seen/fantasized about everything possible. In this day and age we are led to believe that just about every niche sexual desire comes rushing past us at downloadable speeds for the quick, easy and often free taking all the time. But just when you think you have heard about (at the very least) every possible new type and tickle of niche porn…here comes Property Sex.

What is a website like PropertySex.com promising?

As the tag line for the site states: Hot Real Estate Agents Fucking Clients and Fine Tenants Fucking Their Landlords you can imagine the set-up here. This is POV shot action, with the viewer behind the camera supposedly “shooting” the dirty video of naughty (and usually oh-so-hot) tenants and buyers ‘interacting’ with the most alluring (again, oh-so-hot) real estate agents. Landlords enacting late payments of rent, new buyers looking for a little extra on their closing, real estate agents who will do just about anything to make a sale…you get the idea. Another in a long line of seemingly ‘real’ scenario set ups between people who suddenly find that their only currency of any value is their bodies, this is a new spin on the porn game, with house buying, renting apartments and romping round properties the center of the action.

Not that gorgeous houses and well-appointed Southern California backyard pool decks haven’t always been used as porn sets. But Property Sex exploits the location for triple x action as much for its set appeal, as the reason the actors get together here.

No, there really isn’t anything new under the bright lights of a porn set. While not exploiting some new technology like Virtual Reality or even plumping the depths of the BDSM world, as niche naughty nuggets go, Property Sex is probably tamer than most. And really, it’s not so hard to understand why this set-up could be alluring, one person has power over another and uses that power in some nasty fun ways….in a house.

Image: vixenx.com – Aria Alexander


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