
Illma Gore Assaulted By Trump Supporter?

Illma Gore Assaulted By Trump Supporter?

illmagore-instagram-donald-truIllma Gore, the artist who created the infamous naked picture of Donald Trump (sporting a small member) with her Make America Great Again, claims she was punched in the face just this past weekend by a Trump supporter.

Seemingly not the first time violence has erupted around, or about the presumptive GOP nominee, Gore says a man simply got out of his black Honda Civic near her home in L.A., hit her and yelled “Trump 2016!” Gore has received plenty of threats across social media since creating her rendering of Trump and generally U.S. galleries refused to display the painting, so it presently hangs in London’s Maddox Gallery.

Though, just a few weeks back, the EHM let it be known that we’d be honored to host the picture.

On her website Gore says her piece “was created to evoke a reaction from its audience, good or bad, about the significance we place on our physical selves,” and she seems indeed to be getting reaction…now in person.

The timing of this alleged assault and other factors raised by self-reported myth-busters has conjecture across the net counter news reports and pictures of Gore’s claims. The doubters are labeling all this as performance art at best, fraud at worse.

Until more facts are made known, or someone comes right out and claims they were Gore’s attacker, we really do only have Gore’s frightening pictures and report of what happened…usually though, this is enough to having folks believe you were assaulted. Is it simply Trump supporters who do not want to believe Gore’s claims? Art devotees indeed hoping for performance art? A ‘who-cried-wolf’ mentality given our belief in the vetting off the net? Maybe just too many news stories and Twitter pics clogging-up our inboxes that makes us turn a hyper-critical eye?

Certainly something happened to Ilma Gore.

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