
First Annual Las Vegas World Naked Bike Ride – June 11th 6PM @Erotic Heritage Museum

First Annual Las Vegas World Naked Bike Ride – June 11th 6PM @Erotic Heritage Museum

THIS IS A FREE EVENT and is part of the 1 Year Anniversary Party of the Worlds Largest Sex Bike Launch! We are the staging location for the ride. Cyclists will decide what the best route is for them on the ride, there is no predetermined route.

The pre party starts at 6PM. Free food, Free beverages (non-alcoholic), vendors, bike mechanics, tabling, and live DJ! Please register so we have enough goodies for everyone!

Vegas Summer Weather is the perfect time to be Bare as you Dare on your human powered transportation – the one and only Bicycle!

Not only are we celebrating the First Annual Naked Bike Ride, but we are in good company. We are following the well established footsteps of Naked Bike Rides all over the World!

The World Naked Bike Ride, which is shared by cities the world over, lists the following as the most oft-cited reasons for riding (from the Wiki page):

Save the planet!
Shifting to a carfree lifestyle is one of the most powerful things a person can do to make a real difference in reducing negative environmental impacts on this planet.

“Our message to the world is one of simplification, human harmony and love. For a future to exist for tomorrows generations, we have to stop wasting the life blood energy of the Earth, stop fighting and killing in the name of consumerist wealth accumulation and learn to love and respect all life on this planet.” – Conrad Schmidt, founder of The Work Less Party and Artists for Peace and WNBR and organizer for WNBR Vancouver, BC

It’s time to put a stop to the indecent exposure of people and the planet to cars and the pollution they create. We face automobile traffic with our naked bodies as the best way of defending our dignity and exposing the vulnerability faced by cyclists and pedestrians on our streets as well as the negative consequences we all face due to dependence on oil, and other forms of non-renewable energy.

Body image/self awareness. Cycling promotes body awareness, the fact that one can achieve a more healthy lifestyle from the exercise we achive by using self-powered transport
Self-sufficiency. Cycling makes us non-renewable energy sources, less dependent oil.

Think Globally, Act locally. Cycling promotes local cycling businesses and local cycling organizations.

Less is more. WNBR strips the complexities from modern transport to a simplified message of cycling. For the vast majority of most peoples’ transport needs, cycles are the right vehicle for the right job. “You don’t need a wheelbarrow to carry a pea”.

The unabashed vehicle of the revolution. By cycling naked we declare our confidence in the beauty and individuality of our bodies and the bicycles’s place as a catalyst for change in the future of sustainability, transport, community and recreation.
“Unless we change direction, we are likely to end up where we are heading.”

Community-building. Bicycles create public space, enhance street life and build a sense of community.

“If you see someone you know while riding, it’s easy to stop and say hello. Bicycles create public space, enhance street life and build a sense of community”– Go By Bicycle

Peace of mind. “People are looking for places where they’re not constantly being confronted with cars. It’s just like non-smokers seeking smoke-free space.” – Franziska Eichstaedt-Bohlig, German Green Party.


Public Nudity is ILLEGAL in Clark County! We wish to expose this hypocrisy between the idea of Las Vegas being “Sin City” and yet having institutionalized indecency laws that can to LAND YOU IN JAIL and potentially PLACE YOU ON THE SEX OFFENDER LIST!…EVEN IF YOU ARE IN YOUR HOUSE WITH THE DOOR CLOSED!!

See the below Las Vegas Weekly article:


We suggest coming in g-strings and pasties that are nude in color or decorative.



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Small elements big impact

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