
Championing Planned Parenthood@ The Erotic Heritage Museum

Championing Planned Parenthood@ The Erotic Heritage Museum



As it seems to be happening more and more these days, the chasm between those folks who are perfectly comfortable with you living your life as you please grows ever deeper from those that demand you to toe-the-line to only their world view. Sexual concerns-prostitution, the pros and cons of pornography, gay rights-especially fissure this difference. One need only witness the vociferous outcry for and against Caitlyn Jenner’s recent outing (and her new reality show “I Am Cait”) or the current attacks on Planned Parenthood to see the religious, philosophical and emotional lines being drawn.

Luckily this week’s slew of Senate Republicans did not garner the sixty votes needed to move forward on halting Planned Parenthood’s federal funding. Those opposed to America’s “largest family-planning organization” were riding the rails on a ‘fetus selling’ story that has been making the rounds the past month. But as often happens in these cases, the supposed evidence shown, only reveals a small portion of reality.

Undercover videos have been released in the past few weeks showing the supposed selling of fetal tissue at Planned Parenthood locations. The complete video (curiously not shown in media outlets with an obvious conservative agenda) clearly shows there is no illegal activity occurring, no profit made for Planned Parenthood and furthermore the organization and its representatives follow strict federal law in helping women donate fetal tissue for research. Yes, Planned Parenthood does charge a small amount in the donation process, but that money is used to cover storage costs and shipment of materials; Planned Parenthood makes no profit as has been falsely claimed and proven in investigations.

Supporting Planned Parenthood as we always have, happy to be aligned with their good works in any way possible, supportive of their agendas and wholly against any unsubstantiated smear campaign against this or any other organization, the EHM is proud to announce our Sexual Treasure Hunt. The final event of our Planned Parenthood Summer Series, a partnership the Erotic Heritage Museum has managed with this wholly honorably most important of all American institutions, we are fixing to play Lotería, (Mexican bingo), a game composed of traditional and iconic symbols of Mexican popular culture. For this evening (people 18 and over please), we will be playing with a deck of Lotería adapted to include elements of sexual health for a fun sex-e time!

While learning about reproductive rights, sex positivity and body image, we invite our visitors to test their knowledge about sexual education and feminist history… all while exploring Museum.  A $10 suggested donation at the door includes the game, snacks/beverages, and complimentary admission to the Erotic Heritage Museum.


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