In this show, created and filled by Hubby, attendees get to experience a wide range of the artist’s sculpture, photographs and collages. For instance, one will find sculptures here where Hubby pairs a fresh kiwi and a disposable BIC razor, or a yam and a dispenser of dental floss…each object cast in bronze and precisely patinated. In her photos, she again pairs items, very often suggesting something wonderfully naughty given the size and shape of the items she compares. But more often than not, Hubby is looking to make one laugh as well, as she freely admits: “I take my humor seriously.”
Also, hung on our gallery walls by this artist are authentic grocery coupon advertisements. These are Hubby’s collages, where she sneaks in her own images and text into the everyday common ads we know all too well. For instances, a Ralph’s Grocery add for fresh food and low prices, presenting a pork roast at 50% off, has the added bubble caption, “Put the yum into the Extra Soft Trimmed Loin.” Nothing is off limits for Bettina Hubby’s wonderfully skewed bronzed view of the world.