
The Fight against Sex Ed in Schools – why are we keeping our Children in the Dark?

The Fight against Sex Ed in Schools – why are we keeping our Children in the Dark?

George Orwell opined: “In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

Telling the truth to our children about sex shouldn’t be a ‘revolutionary act.’ But as all sides of the political spectrum continue to truck in deceit the fight for the very best-and realistic-Sex Ed in our schools seems to be an ongoing one. Surely it’s best to indoctrinate philosophies and mandates through and about the young, as well as use a derisive subject like sex to make one’s points, no matter what those points might be.

According to a recent SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United Sates) report, things seemed to be skewing away from federal fund allocation for Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs. “After nearly thirty years of strong support for such programs, the Obama Administration and Congress eliminated the two discretionary federal funding streams for abstinence-only-until-marriage programs…” the report claimed and added: “In addition, Congress allowed the third funding stream, the Title V abstinence-only-until-marriage program, to expire on June 30, 2009.” Still, Title V was resurrected in 2010 as result of Obama care.

Does modern Sex Education in the U.S. teeter on a ‘two-steps-forward-one-step back’ paradigm?

Ignoring the simple truth that teens are going to…well…find how much fun it is to tickle, touch and engage one another, programs like abstinence doesn’t address what our kids should do when they, inevitably, ‘come together.’ It seems a foolhardy mission to try and keep our kids in the dark, no?

Pending presently, Representative Barbara Lee is once again hoping her H.R.106: Real Education for Healthy Youth Act of 2015, will forever take us out of the dark ages. H.R. 106 was created to: provide for the overall health and well-being of young people, including the promotion of comprehensive sexual health and healthy relationships, the reduction of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, and the prevention of dating violence and sexual assault, and for other purposes.

Surely a dangerous approach for those not wanting to educate our children beyond a ‘yes-sex-exists-just-don’t-do-it’ approach to budding sexuality. But maybe a measure to once and for all put government money into a comprehensive and realistic Sex Ed program is what’s need to keep our children safe.

– Ralph Grecco



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