It went from the obligatory side boob and top dent of ass crack way back in the 90’s on “Hill Street Blues,” to a seemingly anything-goes- stripper-cornucopia on “The Sopranos” to just this past week, lots of bare booty and judiciously covered nudity round Lady Gaga and her male vampire companion on the premier of American Horror Story’s “Hotel.”
Are they getting ‘it’ right? Within their constraints, their seeming need to tell linear stories the way they always have-pleasing advertisers and Nielsen families both-does the mainstream do a good or bad job of sneaking in the naughty presently in what has been called a new Golden Age of T.V. With the advent of Netflix getting into programming, Cinemax still running what amounts of soft-core fare, and lots of bare beautiful bodies cavorting across “Game of Thrones,” has porn, or at least, ‘the adult’ finally come to mainstream T.V. programming?
For connoisseurs and even the passing fan, porn will always be porn. It shan’t, nor should it ever truly cross into mainstream…certainly not into T.V. No matter how many Sasha Grey’s show-up on “Entourage” or how much bare booty we are teased with on the current season of American Horror Story, porn should be available to those who want it via the digital download (and only the one’s you pay for, please) or on DVD, like our new Night At The Erotic Museum.
There might be shows-cable and network-that show lots of bare skin, there might even be attempts by cable to base shows around overtly sexual themes like “Masters of Sex” or even the actual porn, like the upcoming H.B.O. show “Deuce.” But no matter what happens to porn in the future, it was never meant to be tickling the mainstream, it is supposed to be tickling you how and where it always did.