Benny Arrives!!!

For those of you following our social media pages, you know we have been teasing a new addition to the Museum, as well as a new campaign. Well, the most important element has finally made it home – Benny the Hearse! He arrived from California as perfect as we could have hoped, and we have so many things planned for him!

Benny is the centerpiece of our new marketing campaign “Is your sex life dead? We’ll help you rise again!”, and we will be traveling far and wide to get Benny out to the people! Along with him will be our little Grim Peepers, his fuzzy short side kicks, to put even bigger smiles on the folks who meet them all.

With plans to visit Tombstone, The Clown Motel in Tonopah, Salt Lake City, Scotty’s Castle in Death Valley, Virginia City and more, Benny is surely to get attention. We hope to see you around!

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