
So, You Think Your Porn Is Safe?

So, You Think Your Porn Is Safe?

Downloading and streaming, maybe occasionally buying a DVD or two, even making your own; with porn enjoying quite the ‘mainstreaming’ in the past decade and so much of it available for so cheap we don’t really think about the state of the industry. Yes, there is still the “Measure B” mandatory condom ballet a ’twirling and no matter if Hillary or Donald get in we are bound to hear pro and con against porn in general. But there’s lots happening with porn presently you might not be aware of, but could mean some intrusion on your freedoms for sure.

Just recently a terrible snafu occurred with the latest Apple iOS 10 Messaging System. Millions of people accessing their Ipads and Iphones found that when they simply typed in words like “hard” or “oh my God” in their texts explicit porn images popped up. This kind of hacking (if this is what happened) hits the adult business hard, giving those opposed to porn ammunition to show how easily dirty images and clips can fall into the hands of kids.

Though it has been proved time and again most porn producers work diligently to make sure the very opposite ever happens.

Then there is the consistent fight from producers in the U.K. over the 2-year old trial and tribulations with that counties Audiovisual Media Services Regulations. The most recent list of objectionable material-and we all know how the goalposts on porn do’s and do not’s move every time someone new comes into power-include “spanking,” “role-playing as non-adults,” “consensual-female ejaculation” to name but a few. As producer/star/CEO of the U.K-based  http://dreamsofspanking.com, Pandora Blake saw her feminist porn product (not all of Dreams is femdom but apparently enough of it is to tweak the AMSR) taken down in the fracas and she just recently still leading a protest. Filing a grievance that took the better part of two years to work through, fortunately Pandora’s site is back online but she worries, “the future of the site is currently uncertain.” With Britain’s Digital Economic Bill to be made law at the beginning of the New Year producers like Pandora might very well see her content criminalized all over again.

And even these restrictions happen in a place that might be “over there” for you, who says they won’t soon come your way, no matter where you happen to be.

Condom fights, hacking, laws against spanking, do you think your porn is safe?



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