Sex ‘Over There’

Topless beaches, the constant and pretty much ignored affairs of heads-of-state, Red Light districts; it seems Europe certainly has the U.S. beat as far as permissive sexual mores. It could be our relatively young age, the fact that we had those damn sexual repressed Puritans ruling things in our early stages, or that with such […]

Will Your Next President Legalize Prostitution?

It certainly seems to be the right time for Emily Bazelon’s recent New York Times Magazine article “Should Prostitution Be A Crime?” Seeing as we are on the cusp of deciding who will represent the Democrats and who the Republicans in the Presidential race, we might well consider what, if anything at all, will happen […]

Yes, We All Do It

By now nobody in their right mind is denying it…right? Men, women, even children well before they know what exactly they are doing or can illicit any true physical response, we’re all members of the band of the hand (or whatever else you use); we all masturbate. But don’t worry, there’s help for us all, […]

Illma Gore Assaulted By Trump Supporter?

Illma Gore, the artist who created the infamous naked picture of Donald Trump (sporting a small member) with her Make America Great Again, claims she was punched in the face just this past weekend by a Trump supporter. Seemingly not the first time violence has erupted around, or about the presumptive GOP nominee, Gore says […]

Self-Love In The Modern Age: Or, How Selfies Might Be Killing Your ‘Game’

Time does fly when you’re taking selfies. Seeing as we have declared May as “Self Love Month,” and are hosting the showing of the unrated version of the documentary STICKY, a film about all of our most favorite solo pastime, maybe it’s time to reflect on that which reflects mostly on us currently. And currently […]

Oh No, There Are LGBT’s In Here: How ‘Bathroom Laws’ Are Flushing Your Freedoms Away

Although Gov. Pat McCrory and a top General Assembly leader of North Carolina assure us that their state’s new law on LGBT rights and transgender bathroom rules won’t be repealed during this year’s legislative session, still plenty of people are worrying. The wish to repeal current protective LGBT rights laws stems from transgender folk using a bathroom they are not supposed […]

Very Brief History Of “Body Shaming” or What is Kim Kardashian Up To, Really?

It seems we are currently in the midst of another net-perpetuated phenomena: modern-day Body Shaming. With the preponderance of selfies, over-wrought and over-used Instagram accounts, and any and all celebrities posting the most private of pictures of themselves daily (putting paparazzi to shame in fact), it becomes a cart-before-horse question if naked pics are fueling […]

Protecting Our Erotic Heritage – We Mourn One of our Own

We heard some very sad news this week that the Sex Museum in Paris is closing due to lack of support. Opened in 1997, when a spot like this that championed as well as displayed a wide variety of objets d’art sexuelle closes, we feel the reverberations. Part of the Erotic Museum Consortium, as is […]

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